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I talk slowly, i speak briefly.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Like I Said

Just ignore the title, i have no idea lol. Lets straight forward, i have some topic to be dealt. What if one of your new friends using an iPhone, do you think he/she come from a rich family?. I bet you do, this is the problem. Just because they using an iPhone, doesn't mean they come from a rich family. Maybe they just don't want to be an outdated person. Come on, we are now in "Zaman Milennium". Where did they got a plenty of money to buy an iPhone?. Did you ever think they can work to earn money?. Yes, of course you are dumb lazy. Thats why you don't have any expensive gadgets in your hand right now.

I'm not gonna explain too much about this silly thing and i'm not trying to condemn or defend any other sides, just open your eyes peeps. If they can buy such an expensive gadgets, you can have it too. Eat when you hungry, drink when you thirsty, and work when you want money. I don't have any points to highlight actually lol. Take care and Happy Ramadhan to Muslims all over the world :).

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New Chapter

Oh great !, i'm back to F.O.S. But this time at Bukit Tinggi. New place and will be a new chapter for me. It is big and crowded. Again, i have to make new friends. Well it's okay. I don't mind. Yah yah yah , and i'm back to BUSY. So , till here we do.